The Web and Marketing Bureau Blog

Why You Need to Use Backlinks

Written by Kayla Drake | Thu, Aug 19, 2021

I’m sure we’ve all been there, we have a great article published on our website, but once they have finished reading it- poof! They disappear, leaving your bounce rate to go higher than you want it. Why does this happen? Why aren’t people staying on your site and engaging with other content? Well, I may have some answers for you that might help.


A reason why your bounce rate is high could be because you don’t have enough back-links in your article. For those not aware, a back-link is a hyperlink that takes the consumer from one part of your website to another. This keeps the consumer active on your website by piquing their interest and engaging with new materials your website offers.


Now that you know what a back-link does, now let’s talk about how to effectively use it. 


Related Topics

If you have an article on a specific topic that could be related to another topic that was written about, you can include a part in your article that mentions the other and add a link to it. 


For example, let’s say you’re writing an article about the best business practices on social media. But you have a separate article that talks about the importance of social media for businesses. You can mention in your best practices article, the other article and link it. 


That way, once the consumer is done reading the first article, they know where to go to learn more. While you’re at it, check out our, “What is Social Media Management” article once you’re done with this one. See what I did there?


This keeps them still engaging with your site long after they’ve finished the article that brought them to your site in the first place. This will then lead to a smaller bounce rate.


Unrelated Topics

Your topics don’t always have to be similar in order to use back-links effectively. Try offering them a new topic that could pique their interest once they’re done reading about one topic. 


Especially in the world of business, there are always new topics to talk about and learn from. Everybody wants their business to be successful, so suggesting other topics within a different article or page is a win-win for both you and the consumer. It’ll even boost your SEO. Stay tuned for an article on SEO in the near future.


No Articles? No Problem!

If your website doesn’t utilize the use of articles, it’s okay. You can still use back-links on your site.


Let’s say you’re selling clothes and someone added a cute summer dress to their cart. Once that item is added, have a pop-up with related items that would go well with the dress. That way, they see a picture of some heels that would compliment the dress well, click on it, and it’ll take them to the shoe page and add them to their cart as well.


This will lead to more $$ in your pocket and a lower bounce rate since the consumer won’t have to leave your site to find the right accessories to match the dress.


Add Those Back-links

Now that we’ve discussed three ways to use back-links, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and see where you can start adding back-links to your website. It can help with your engagement on the site, as well as the likelihood that someone might share that topic or item with someone else. That’s more engagement and profit for your business, and isn’t that the point?